Stiftelsen Åselehus

Stiftelsen Åselehus

Åselehus has many furnished apartments that can be rented for short term stays. The apartments are equipped with tv, microwave, coffeemaker, kitchen essentials for simpler forms of cooking, as well as beds with mattresses, pillows and duvets. The tenants is however required to bring their own bedding and towels and to clean up before they leave. In addition to every apartment, there is a parking lot with an engine heater. Åselehus has five furnished apartments in three different sizes, that are all rented weekly or monthly.

1 room apartment

  • 45,5 m2.
  • Kitchen.
  • 2 beds and a sofa-bed.

2 room apartment

  • 55,5 and 61 m2.
  • Kitchen.
  • 2 beds and a sofa-bed.

3 room apartment

  • 74,5 m2.
  • Kitchen.
  • 4 beds.

Please contact Åselehus at 0941 – 142 20 or for more information or booking. You can also read more about Åselehus here.

About Åselehus

Åselehus is a “stiftelse” that owns and administers residential buildings with 260 apartments of a total of 20.000 m2 that are distributed in apartment buildings, terraced houses and semi-dethatched houses. The company also administers properties that contains facilities for great parts of the service in Åsele, such as Handelsbanken.

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