Björnlandet National Park

Björnlandet National Park

Björnlandet National Park is one of the most valuable primeval forests in Sweden. The ecosystem of the national park consists of a dynamic variation of nature niches that range from the lowlands of fir marsh to the pine coated mountaintops, where the distinct traces of forest fires tells the story of the dramatic history of Björnlandet. Björnlandet has been equipped to be an easily accessible national park. It is possible to travel by car all the way to the turnaround at the main entrance Angsjön. At this entrance there is also a service house with a privy and the hiking path that starts at the turnaround is accessible by a ramp.

Hiking paths

The hiking path that can be accessed by a ramp from the main entrance Angsjön, is 200 meters long and has a maximum inclination of 5 %. The hiking path leads to the gold star and along the way there is a resting area with a wind shed and a fireplace as well as a crank player that tells stories about the national park. Björnlandet National Park does however offer many other hiking paths besides this short one. The length of the hiking paths varies from 2,6 kilometers up to 12 kilometers. They are all marked with trail markers in different colours and can be combined by the hiker

Foto: Lin Kleiven

Photo: Lin Kleiven


There are two cabins for overnight stays in Björnlandet. Both cabins offers six beds and two mattresses as well as floor area. The cabins are also equipped with basic sets of household utensils like a pot, a frying pan and a coffee kettle. The equipment also includes a woodstove with instructions. Please remember to chop and refill the supply of firewood for the next guest. The cabins also have kerosene lamps. The lamps are to be handled with care and caution. Drinking water can be found in the surrounding brooks and lakes. The water is hummus-coloured but safe to drink. It is also possible to bring water from the cold water well at the main entrance Angsjön, or to melt snow in the winter.

It is free to stay the night at the cabins, but not possible to book the stay in advance. The guests are expected to make space for newly arrived guests, at least on the floor, if the beds are all taken. After a nights stay, previous guests have to give up the cabins for new guests if new guests arrives. Since it is forbidden to drive snowmobiles in the national park, the cabins Angsjökojan and Svärmorskojan can only be reached on skis during the winter. During the winter months the road to the main entrance Angsjön is cleared of snow by Olofssons Åkeri in Bredträsk.

Foto: Lin Kleiven
Photo: Lin Kleiven

Things to do

Björnlandet National Park does also offer other activities than hiking and overnight stays. The visitor can for example track different mammals. The tracking is easiest to conduct during the winter when the traces are easier to follow in the snow. Birdwatching is also an activity suitable for the national park. Angsjön has a rich birdlife, especially during thaw and the early summer.

The mountain Björnberget offers a sumptuous view of the national park and its nature niches. The vantage point of Björnberget is reached along the hiking paths of the national park and is most accessible during the snow free months of the year.

Foto: Lin Kleiven
Photo: Lin Kleiven

How to get here

From Åsele to the main entrance Angsjön

  • Drive along road 92 in the direction of Umeå for 47 kilometers.
  • After 47 kilometers, make a right turn on to a side road.
  • Continue driving on the side road for about 24 kilometers to reach the destination.
  • The side road is marked with brown-white signs.

From Umeå to the main entrance Angsjön

  • Drive for 140 kilometers on road E12 that transitions into road 92 in the direction of Dorotea.
  • After 140 kilometers, make a left turn on to a side road.
  • Continue driving on the side road for about 24 kilometers to reach the destination.
  • The side road is marked with brown-white signs.

From Åsele to the entrance Häggsjö

  • Drive along road 90 in the direction of Junsele for about 1,7 kilometers.
  • After 1,7 kilometers, turn left on to Björnavägen.
  • Drive along Björnavägen towards Tegelträsk for about 33 kilometers .
  • At Rudolfslund, make a turn towards Häggsjö.
  • Thereafter, follow the signs towards the destination.
  • The road includes about 5 kilometers of graveled road.

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